Monday, December 30, 2019

Why You Dont Want To Pack Your Resume With Keywords

Why You Dont Want To Pack Your Resume With KeywordsWhy You Dont Want To Pack Your Resume With KeywordsResumes are not a science nor do they require mathematical algorithms to land that next great interview.While using language in your resume that mirrors your target companys needs is imperative, keyword packing is not. In other words, know your audience, be precisely focused in your target job, and let the words bubble up intuitively.The following are five reasons you should spread your energies and job search marketing focus beyond the science of buzzwords1. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) vary. While you may think youve hit the keyword jackpot by following the rules of the keyword-packing road for one particular ATS system, youre limiting yourself. ATS systems vary, and more importantly, are adapted to individual companies needs. You will drive yourself crazy trying to program your resume for each and every corporate system out there. Focus instead on focusing in on your target co mpanys current situation, by reading not only about the job, but also about the organization itself, the industry sector, and the competitive market within which your target enterprise resides. Then, unearth the homilie that will resonate with both a machine and a human being. Armed with that information, your uber-focused message-knitting in the tenor and tone of the researched information will be punctuated with critical keywords naturally.2. Not every company uses ATS screening. Suffice it to say, companies come in all sizes, from single, two- or three-person offices to multinational conglomerates employing tens of thousands. Even then, within the globally expansive entities, companies within the companies (e.g., business units) arise, often acting independently of one another. Not every organization has the means, or chooses to apply their recruiting budget to ATS software. Believing that your next great opportunity is highly dependent upon your ability to game a systems program ming can devolve your job search into a technologically hairsplitting game where you dont win.3. Human beings read your resume. Human beings program the screening systems and read the resume ultimately. Despite the naysayers out there, your resume should be written for a human beings eyes and ears. (Note An ASCII/plain text conversion of your design-savvy resume is a simple solution for uploading into ATS systems creating two separate resumes simply is not needed.) Before submitting yours online or to one of your networking contacts, read it aloud. Does it sing? Or, does it fall flat? Print it off and look at it from a consumers perspective. Does it advertise your value in a brilliant, enticing way?4. Net-weave your way into an interview, instead. While the Internets vastness and ease for trumpeting your resume makes initial sense, you must remember that managing your career, and your job search, requires much more than technology uploads and clicks. If youre doing it right, youre w eaving a net of relationships that will help transport your message toward a real-life audience, to whom you want the story to resonate. You dont want to drown them in a sea of keywords.5. You have a story to tell. So many careerists get caught up in the keyword frenzy their resume mirrors that of their competitors. No distinguishing nuances call out their value. With so many resumes noting Innovative and results-oriented professionals with a proven track record of success, youd think the worlds economy would soar instead of struggling. Instead of employing overused language, identify and illustratively describe specific stories e.g., depict how you stepped into a newly right-sized, disengaged and under-performing accounting department and created a collaborative and higher-performing environment.Of course, you will punctuate this story with metrics that show before and after revenue/profit/etc., growth. But then, tell how you, specifically, designed the collaborative culture. What leadership and relationship-building talent did you employ? What action steps did you take? How did you handle push back from frustrated staff unhappy with the changes? Get down into the details to add substance to your achievements. Mostly, dont get bogged down in a keyword gaming struggle.Remember, youre more than just one person in what has been unfortunately referred to as an unending online inventory of people. And, if done right, your resume wont land on a giant pile of other resumes. Instead, yours will rise to the top.Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter is a Glassdoor career and workplace expert, chief career writer and partner with CareerTrend, and is one of only 28 Master Resume Writers (MRW) globally. Jacqui and her husband, Sailor Rob, host a lively careers-focused blog at http// Jacqui is a power Twitter user (ValueIntoWords), listed on several Best People to Follow lists for job seekers.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fathers also want to have it all, study says

Fathers also want to have it all, study saysFathers also want to have it all, study saysHave you seen the T-shirt slogan Dads dont babysit (its called parenting)?This slogan calls out the gendered language we often still use to talk about fathers. Babysitters are temporary caregivers who step in to help out the parents. But the fact is that fathers are spending more time with their children than ever before. In fact,American fathers todayspend 65 percent more time with their children during the workday than they did 30 years ago.According to the2016 National Study of the Changing Workforce, almost half of fathers in heterosexual relationships say they share caregiving responsibilities equally or take on a greater share of caregiving than their lebensgefhrte.This week we witnessed the release of the firstState of Americas Fathers, a report that draws on numerous social science research studies as well as new analysis of the 2016 National Study of the Changing Workforce.Looking for an inspiring way to start your day? Sign up forMorning MotivationIts our friendly Facebook robot that will send you a quick note every weekday morning to help you start strong. Sign up here by clicking Get StartedAs a sociologist who studies fatherhood worldwide, I think the most important message of this report is a simple one Fathers are parents, too.But dads desire to have it all, as we once talked about in relation to working mothers, means that they are also having difficulties successfully combining work and family. The report, among other things, suggests that we need to pass paid, non-transferable, job-protected leave. I agree.Work-life balance is important to men, tooThe State of Americas Fathers report highlights that a majority of fathers experience work-life conflict, and that this has increased over time. For example,60 percent of fathersin dual-earner families say they have problems balancing work and family, compared to 35 percent of such fathers in 1977.This is likely d ue to the fact that a majority of fathers feel they dont spend enough time with their children. This situation may be due to the continued pressures on men to earn a good income. According tothe 2016 National Study of the Changing Workforce, 64 percent of Americans feel that fathers should contribute financially even if taking care of the home and children. Millennials are just as likely to agree with this statement as baby boomers.In my own research published in my bookSuperdads,fathers continually expressed frustration at not being able to balance work and family. Its no longer a question of whether fathers want to be more active in their childrens lives, but how they will do so when workplace and government policies do not offer the support necessary.Men need work-life policies as much as womenA big part of the problem is that the workplace has not really adjusted to working women and caregiving men.Instead the idea of theideal worker, someone (usually a man) who can focus entire ly on work while a partner (usually a woman) takes care of everything else, still holds power among employers. But the State of Americas Fathers report reveals that most workers have some family responsibilities, and only a minority of families fit the traditional breadwinner father, homemaker mother model. Only 20 percent of couples live off of one income. This means that most fathers have partners, female or male, who also work, and more single fathers have shared or primary custody of their children. These men do not have the choice to push off caregiving onto someone else.Like working mothers, working fathers face stigma when they seek greater flexibility in the workplace. A very similar number of fathers (43 percent) and mothers (41 percent) think asking for flexibility could have a negative impact on their careers.In addition, there isevidencethat leave-taking negatively impacts chances of promotion, frequency of raises, and performance evaluations, and behauptung penalties ar e stronger for men than women. Men who seek flexibility are even seen asless masculine.The benefits of father involvementWhy should we be so concerned about mens ability to balance work and family?The simple answer is that fathers who take leave and spend more time with their children are really good for their families. Theirchildren benefitfrom better cognitive, behavioral, psychological and social outcomes.According to the State of Americas Fathers report, these fathers also pave a path toward greater gender equality as their sons are more accepting of gender equality while their daughters feel more empowered. Their partners benefit because they are more likely to be satisfied with their relationships and less likely to experiencepostpartum depression. They are also more able to focus on their own careers, which has the potential to benefit the larger economy as well, with one estimate showing anincrease of 5 percent in GDPif womens labor force participation rate equaled mens rate .Fathers themselves benefitby engaging in healthier behaviors and creating more ties to family and community.And in the end, men are just as capable of caring for children as women. It is the act of providing direct care for a child that increases ones capacity for caregiving. Mensbody chemistryreacts the same way as womens to close physical contact with infants. In other words, fathers show similar hormonal changes, and this means they can experience similar levels of bonding with their children.Paid parental leave could helpIn an analysis of policies in 185 countries, the International Labour Organization finds that theU.S. is only one of two countriesthat does not guarantee paid parental leave. In fact, theU.S. ranks dead last among 38 OECD nationsin government-supported time off for new parents.Our only national policy, theFamily and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, offers up to 12 weeks of leave, but in addition to being unpaid, it only covers about three-fifths of workers due to a number of restrictions. The act only applies to employers with 50 or more employees and only covers employees who have worked for that employer for at least one year. Additionally, 20 percent of employers that are required to comply with the FMLA offer fewer than 12 weeks of leave to employees who are spouses/partners of new mothers (mainly fathers), in direct violation of the law. Amazingly,only 12 percentof U.S. workers in the private sector have access to paid family leave, and this applies to a paltry5 percent for low-income workers.Worldwide paternity leave is becoming more prevalent, with71 countriesnow offering it. Fathers are most likely to take leave when it is specifically designated for them. Around90 percent of fathers in Nordic countriestake leave.These programs may seem out of reach, but we have seen successful paid leave in the U.S. Funded by a very small payroll tax of 0.9 percent, Californias groundbreaking Paid Family Leave program helped new parents spend mo re time caring for their children. At the same time most employers have seen no cost increases or abuse and in fact witnessless turnoveras employees are able to care for their new children and return to work.We are also starting to see more models of paid leave amongcompaniessuch as Ernst Young, Facebook and Twitter, but I would argue we need something more far-reaching. The FAMILY Act, for example, proposed by U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York to provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave, is a start.This will help fathers to have it all, and be the parents they want to be.Gayle Kaufman served as a reviewer for the State of Americas Fathers report.This article was originally published on

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sample Resume for Aerospace Design Engineer Job Position

Sample Resume for Aerospace Design Engineer Job PositionSample Resume for Aerospace Design Engineer Job PositionCreate this Resume Use this Aerospace Design Engineer Resume Example with Objective, Technical Skills, Duties, Education and Certification to write your own Aerospace Design Engineer Resume.Jay Bilderback 3435 Fulton Street Parkerburg, WV 26003 (333)-382-7732 j.bilderbacksampleresume.netJob Objective To take an increasing level of responsibility as Aerospace Design Engineer and share my expertise in ordnungsprinzip life cycle, electronic equipments, circuit boards and processors. My strong familiarity with computer hardware and software like CAD and other 3D designing tools will be helpful in achieving the companys goals and objectives. Technical Skills Proficient in computer hardware and software like CAD and other 3D designing tools Knowledgeable in computer hardware and software System life cycle, electronic equipments, circuit boards, processors etc. Expert in scien ce and technology engineering technique application Keen analysis on a given information and extensive knowledge on device parts and functions Professional ExperienceSr. Aerospace Design Engineer, January 2009 PresentFly High, Tacoma, WAResponsibilities Materialized and improved aerospace vehicle components and design. Executed aerospace component analysis using ansoft magnetics finite element simulation tool. Implemented trade studies and assessment or evaluation authenticated detail design and architecture. Collaborated with manufacturers to plan on new product designs. Conducted troubleshooting of architectural errors. Jr. Aerospace Design Engineer, March 2006 December 2008Care Line Flies, Inc. Tacoma, WAResponsibilities Upgraded aircraft design and automated aerospace vehicles. Maneuvered new product design and sequenced trading activities. Administered research and assessed flexibility of equipment to aircraft design. Administered stress tests on aerospace components. Fabricated computer analysis methods to assess, estimate or alter engineering design. EducationM.S in Aerospace Engineering, 2004 Yale University, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ B.S in Aerospace Engineering, 2002 Yale University, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Certifications and Affiliations Member, Aerodynamics Organization Association of Certified Aerospace Engineers Customize ResumeMore Sample Engineer ResumesAcquisition Logistics Engineer Resume Advanced Semiconductor Engineer Resume Aerospace Design Engineer Resume Aerospace Quality Engineer Resume Agricultural Engineer Resume

Monday, December 16, 2019

7 Steps to Evaluate Your Job Search Performance

7 Steps to Evaluate Your Job Search Performance7 Steps to Evaluate Your Job Search Performance0Job seekers know that there is no shortage of advice when it comes to how to write a cover letter and a resume, job interview strategies, whether or not to follow up with a hiring manager, and how to send a great thank you letter. Yet, its still hard to find a job. Once you are in the process of looking, its a good idea to periodically take a step back and evaluate your job search performance.Ive been a job seeker many times, but Ive also spent a good portion of my career on the other side of the coin- in the recruiting and hiring process for companies. A good recruiter really understands the culture of the company, as well as the skill set needed for any given position. There are mistakes we can spot from a mile away and most of us, frankly speaking, dont have a lot of patience for applicants who dont appear to be taking the process seriously. Thats why its so important to make sure your j ob search performance is up to snuff.Follow these seven steps to evaluate your job search performanceBe strategic when reaching out.I am a big advocate of the idea that you should choose a company, then a job.That being said, there are definitely right and wrong ways to go about it. Figure out what the hiring process is at the company you want to work for. Look for an opportunity to make meaningful contact with someone who is in a decision-making role. It rarely works out for the person who randomly sends unsolicited resumes for jobs that arent available. The enthusiasm is appreciated, but if a manager isnt focused on filling a position that matches your skill set, chances are your efforts wont gain you much traction.Become proficient at networking.As an introvert, I understand the groans that accompany the word networking. Its hard to know how to network when you hate networking.Take heart though- the most effective networkers are actually better at listening than talking. Instead of asking for a job, they take the time to develop relationships with people. They are organized in their efforts. They seek out feedback and ask for guidance. As is the case with most things in life, good networking happens over time and takes commitment.Strive for quality over quantity.While it may seem as if the odds of finding a job increase when more applications are sent out, more often than not, the opposite is true. Job seekers looking for a professional position are much better served taking the time to customize each application to the specific job. Read the listing and research the company, as well as the people, before sending anything out. A well-thought-out, quality application makes an impression.Connect the dots.Im often amazed by the range of jobs a person will apply for at the saatkorn company- even more amazed that its usually the same exact application. Im willing to hear how a person is suited for a coordinator role in marketing and a developer role, but use tha t cover letter to connect the dots for me.Dont be seen as a lazy job seeker, especially considering the same person maybe receiving your applicationeach time.Have a plan.People plan vacations, parties, even trips to the grocery store. Yet, when it comes to a job search, there is often little thought put into how to achieve the goal of landing a great position. Set aside regular quiet time to devote to job seeking. Have an organized space in your home to use during your search. Develop a system for looking at job boards, knowing which jobs youve submitted applications for, when to follow-up, etc.Consider investing in a professional service.We look to experts for help in so many areas of our lives. Finances, estate planning, home and auto repairwhy not consider a professional to help with your job search? Career coaches, resume review services, and premium job search services (like) are all very valid options for job seekers. Think about what areas are the biggest challenge for you an d look at your options for getting some guidance and support.Be informed and prepared.Youve made it through the hard part- you made an impression with your application and have been invited to interview for a job. This is not the time to wing it. You have to go in strong, communicate your value to the company, your ability to do the job, and your knowledge of the company. Be prepared with more questions than youll be asking so that when the interviewer covers something early in the conversation, you arent left with nothing to ask. You want to avoid the biggest job interview mistakes. If interviewing is a source of stress for you, find someone you trust to help you practice. You may even consider taking a video of yourself in a mock interview to watch your non-verbal communications.Readers, what other tips would you give to evaluate your job search performance? How is your performance thus far?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Computer Support Specialist Salaries and Trends

Computer Support Specialist Salaries and TrendsComputer Support Specialist Salaries and TrendsComputer support specialists help set up and resolve problems with computer hardware and software, generally at the desktop level. Technical support specialists often work as part of a larger IT organization and may do hands-on work setting up computers and networks. Those who assist end-users with computer problems or questions are often called help desk technicians, computer support technicians or computer support specialists. This is not always a 9-to-5 job as fruchtwein companies require 24/7 support. National Salary Overview The median salary for computer support specialists in 2010 was $46,260, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10% of earners made more than $76,970, while the bottom 10% made under $28,300. These numbers are significantly below average compared to other computer positions, which had a median salary of $73,710 in the same year. It is much higher th an the average of all jobs in the United States, which have a median salary of $33,840 per year. Regional Variations As with most other jobs, salaries can vary from one state to another. Following is a list of the median salaries for a dozen states in 2010. The numbers in brackets represent the bottom and top ten-percent thresholds, corresponding to the national statistics Massachusetts $56,400 ($36,900 to $90,200)California $52,300 ($31,100 to $87,200)New York $50,600 ($30,800 to $84,400)Washington $49,300 ($31,900 to $83,600)Texas $47,000 ($28,600 to $80,400)Oregon $46,300 ($30,800 to $71,500)National $46,260 ($28,300 to $76,960)Arizona $45,000 ($28,500 to $72,200)Georgia $44,500 ($25,900 to $71,700))Michigan $43,200 ($25,900 to $69,100)Ohio $42,000 ($26,900 to $68,100)Tennesbinnensee $42,000 ($27,300 to $65,200)Florida $40,700 ($26,800 to $63,700) To see how your state compares to these numbers, you can find more information at CareerOneStop. Salaries Based on Experience According to recent surveys at PayScale, a computer support specialist with less than five years of experience can expect to earn anywhere between $26,000 and $57,000. Those with between five and ten years experience generally earn between $30,000 and $55,000. Those with more than ten years experience can earn between $31,000 and $74,000. Salaries by Certification According to Payscale surveys, salaries can vary widely even among support specialists with the same certifications. For example, someone with a CompTIA A certification may earn between $30,00 and $55,000. Those with a CompTIA Network certification can earn between $27,000 and $55,000. Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP) and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE) can earn between $26,000 and $70,000. Salaries by Industry Salaries for computer support specialists are rather consistent from one industry to another. Colleges and universities can pay both the highest and lowest salaries, ranging between $26,0 00 and $69,000, according to Payscale surveys. IT services companies pay between $30,000 to $60,000. Public school systems pay between $31,000 and $43,000. Companies in manufacturing or distribution pay between $38,000 and $50,000. Computer companies, as well as the healthcare industry, pay between $32,000 and $65,000. Education The majority of computer support specialists between the ages of 25 and 44 have more than a high school diploma. One-third have a bachelors degree. Sixteen percent have an associates degree. Seven percent have a masters degree. Twenty-nine percent have some college. Twelve percent have a high school diploma without any college. Only 1% do not have a high school diploma and less than 1% have doctoral or another professional degree. According to PayScale surveys, a bachelors degree pays about $3,000 more per year than an associates degree with a typical salary range between $30,000 to $54,000. Outlook to 2020 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , there were 607,100 computer support positions in the United States in 2010. This number should increase by 18% by 2020 to approximately 717,100 positions. Employers should continue to favor candidates with a bachelors degree and previous technical background.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Introducing Resume Cover Page

Introducing Resume Cover Page The Fight Against Resume Cover Page Open up your mind and realize that it is all up to you to adapt and change to fulfill the growing demands of a computer based world along with employment marketplace. If youre moving to a brand-new research field justify your interest. The product which you are selling is yourself, your skills, and the concept that you may help the business youre applying to. You are going to learn how to recognize a lost opportunity in addition to a receptive customer quick enough, and youll also learn how to value return on investment. There are quite a lot of resources in the library, book stores, online and elsewhere that you may go to in order to become in depth information on how best to compose a resume. Attempt to use the simple and snappy language whenever you are initiating your cover page. Also avoid including an excessive amount of personal info. Write your resume employing the work description for a guide. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume Cover Page Use Selective Words Only Try to produce the use of effective words which could allow you to display the passion and attitude that is pleasured by you. Dont allow the word modeling throw you off. The Resume Cover Page Game Examine the date and youre going to understand. Bolding the company name may work better if youre a new graduate, while bolding the work title might be a better choice if you have a lengthier work history. Including the quantity of years of work experience is an extra zugabe also. Also be mindful that academic titles will differ from nation to nation. Understanding Resume Cover Page A specialist salesman always attempts to know her or his product well, and always does better in selling the product while he or she has a genuine belief in the worth of the item. You cant anticipate the retailers to get the identical profile as that of convenience stores. There are even pay-for-fee resume services where you could pay f or another person to compose your resume for you You must be business minded and stick to the simple measures so as to begin. It is almost always better to get a referral from a friend or associate of the individual you desire to realize your material. There was a range of factors. A cover letter doesnt always play an essential part in the gas and oil business, but its required in the event the recruiting head demands for it. Show you have skills regarding the job which you would like. If you didnt win rewards add the classes that you took which are regarding the job that you desire. If your resume does not demonstrate the skills your possible boss is searching for you wont get the job. So brush up on your resume skills and be sure that your resume is up to date whenever you are looking for employment. When you want to seek out work or to boost your personal position, you will need to understand where to begin. If your resume isnt up to date you may not obtain the job of you r dreams. Its crucial to be able to complete a work application totally when applying for work. Therefore its good in case you can make changes in line with the job and company youre applying. Developing a simple resume cover letter isnt a hectic undertaking. You only compose a cover letter and send it to everyone alongside a duplicate of the deed. Ask someone whos qualified to read over your proposal and search for errors. Below is an example bank loan request letter you can modify to fit your requirements. You are able to also use the third paragraph of the cover letter to present extra accomplishments in the academia like a normal manuscript reviewer for journals in your area. The next section of this short article will manage the tips that are essential to earn a fresh and effectual cover letter for the job of Bartender. Its not right to say that theres a best method of writing a report as no 1 size fits all, however, its certain that a well-researched and high-quality report can conclude significant requirements. The following will provide you with a covering letter template in order for your cv and covering letter make the most impression. Resume Cover Page Options As a substitute teacher, you should not need to prepare your own lesson plans unless theres a prolonged absence of the permanent teacher and youre hired for weeks rather than days. You are interested in being certain you do not look desperate for work, even if you truly are. Previously, you could matriculate v by just attending as an observer, which you may list on your resume too. If you dont cover everything youre supposed to the class is believed to be falling behind schedule.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Audibles Game Night at this years Grace Hopper Celebration

Audibles Game Night at this years Grace Hopper Celebration PowerToFly was proud to collaborate with Audible for a truly unique event during this years always amazing Grace Hopper Celebration, held this year in sunny Houston. After a long day at the conference, which this year received over 18,000 attendees, Audibles invite-only guests were taken by private shuttle to Audibles secret location - an event space transformed into the ultimate game night Ushered into a chic lounge, adorned with comfy couches and plush pillows (perfect after a long day at the conference), attendees had their pick of some of the all-time top board games (were talking Candy Land, Operation, Cards Against Humanity) and a chance to mingle with their peers. This intimate and fun setting was just the right vibe after a long but fruitful day of keynote speeches and workshops. Audible employees were on greifhand to network with attendees, share their own personal career journeys and answer any questions about life at Audible.For those guests who still had some feeling in their feet, Audible brought out a funky and fun DJ to get the room moving. The centerpiece of the evening was a hilarious gameshow, featuring interactive custom built Jeopardy and Trivia featuring Alexa, created for this event by Audible tech leaders and providing attendees the chance to walk home with some sweet prizes.When the night concluded, Audibles game night played host to over 130+ smart, badass women in tech at GHC, which is always a yearly highlight for us at PowerToFly. The event was truly memorable for the Audible team as well, as they found meeting such dynamic, future female leaders truly inspiring. All in all, this event was the perfect respite of fun at another amazing conference. For more information on careers with Audible, visit Related Articles Around the Web Audible Careers Audible , Inc Aki Merced